- 11th Fleet
- 13th Fleet
- A Challenge To Arms
- A Departure
- Achilles
- Adalbert von Fahrenheit
- Admiral Yang's Ark Fleet
- Adrian Rubinsky
- After The Ceremony, The Curtain Rises Again
- After The Festival
- Against All Flags
- Airged Lamh
- Ajax
- Alex Cazerne
- Alexander Bucock
- Alfred Grillpalzer
- Alpha Centauri
- Amlitzer
- Annerose von Grünewald
- Ansbach
- Anton Ferner
- Arle Heinessen
- Artemis Necklace
- Artificial eyes
- Asgrim
- Astate
- August I
- August II
- August Samuel Wahlen
- Bagdash
- Barbarossa
- Battle After Battle
- Battlecruiser
- Baumel
- Ba‘alat Starzone
- Before The Storm
- Beowulf
- Berlin
- Birth of the 13th Fleet
- Blood Running Down The Stairs: Cascade
- Bloodshed in Space
- Bloodthirsty Maiden: Brunhilde
- Boden
- Book 1: Chapter 1
- Brunhild
- Brunhild (Die Neue These)
- Burgeoning
- Canopus
- Caribelle von Musel
- Carl Palgrem
- Carnap (politician)
- Catherine von Goldenbaum
- Chapter 1: Forever Night
- Chapter 2: Battle of Astate
- Chapter 3: A Fading Empire
- Chapter 3: An Empire's Afterglow
- Chapter 4: Birth of the 13th Fleet
- Chapter 5: The Battle for Iserlohn Fortress
- Chapter 5: The Iserlohn Attack
- Chapter 6: Bright Stars
- Chapter 6: Shining Stars
- Chapter 7: Middle Stage Comedy
- Chapter 7: The Center-Stage Comedy
- Clementz von Goldenbaum
- Cool, Clear Artificial Eyes
- Cornelia Windsor
- Cornelius Lutz
- Cosmic Mosaic
- Courage And Allegiance
- Crossing the Bridge of Light
- Dagon Starzone
- Department of Public Safety
- Determination And Ambition
- Die By The Sword
- Diomedes
- Dominion of Fezzan
- Dominique Saint-Pierré
- Dream: To See It To The End
- Dusty Attenborough
- Dwight Greenhill
- Earth
- Earth Cult
- Earth Unity Government
- Edwin Fischer
- Ehrenberg
- El Facil
- Elfriede von Kohlrausch
- Elizabeth von Goldenbaum
- Empire's Afterglow
- Endless Requiem
- Engineering Ships
- Epimetheus
- Episode 004
- Episode 1
- Episode 10
- Episode 11
- Episode 12
- Episode 13
- Episode 14
- Episode 15
- Episode 16
- Episode 17
- Episode 18
- Episode 19
- Episode 2
- Episode 20
- Episode 21
- Episode 22
- Episode 23
- Episode 24
- Episode 3
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- Episode 7
- Episode 8
- Episode 9
- Erich I
- Erich II
- Erlache
- Ernest Mecklinger
- Ernst von Eisenach
- Erwin Josef I
- Erwin Josef II
- Evangelin Mittermeyer
- Eve Of The Festival
- Exodus Fleet
- FPA Civil War
- FPA General Headquarters
- FPA Ship Class: Battleship
- FPA Ship Class: Command Battleship
- FPA Ship Class: Cruiser
- FPA Ship Class: Heavy Battleship
- FPA Ship Class: Spartanian Fighter
- FPA Strategic Planning Center
- FPA–Imperial War
- Farewell, the Old Days
- First Battle
- Flegel
- Flegel (politician)
- For Pride
- Forkel
- Forseti
- Fortress Versus Fortress
- Franz Valleymunt
- Franz von Mariendorf
- Frederica Greenhill
- Free Planets Alliance (Entity)
- Free Planets Alliance Officer Academy
- Free Plants Alliance Military
- Friedrich I
- Friedrich II
- Friedrich III
- Friedrich IV
- Fritz Josef Bittenfeld
- Fyodor Patorichev
- Galactic Empire (Entity)
- Galga Farmr
- Geiersburg Fortress
- Gerlach
- Gjallahorn's Roar
- Golden Wings
- Goldenbaum Dynasty
- Goldenlohen Dynasty
- Gregor von Mückenberger
- Grimmelhausen
- Guen Kim Hoa
- Gustav
- Hans Dietrich von Seeckt
- Hans Eduard Bergengrun
- Hauser von Steiermark
- Heinessen
- Heinessenpolis
- Heinrich von Kümmel
- Helmut
- Henrique Olibeira
- Herbert
- Hermodr
- High Nobility
- Hildegard von Mariendorf
- Holiday's End
- Holy Land
- Humanity Congress
- Hyperion
- Imperial Civil War
- Imperial Ship Class: Advanced Battlecruiser
- Imperial Ship Class: Battleship
- Imperial Ship Class: Carrier
- Imperial Ship Class: Command Battleship
- Imperial Ship Class: Cruiser
- Imperial Ship Class: Destroyer
- Imperial Ship Class: Fast Battleship
- Imperial Ship Class: Frigate
- Imperial Ship Class: Gunship
- Imperial Ship Class: Heavy Battlecruiser
- Imperial Ship Class: Heavy Battleship
- Imperial Ship Class: Light Carrier
- Imperial Ship Class: Light Cruiser
- Imperial Ship Class: Medical Cruiser
- Imperial Ship Class: Missile Frigate
- Imperial Ship Class: Valkyrie Fighter
- In The Distant Frontier
- Inferior Genes Exclusion Act
- Into the Eternal Night
- Invasion of the Imperial Territory
- Invitation To A Requiem
- Invitation To An Opera
- Invitation To Rebellion
- Ion Fazekath
- Iserlohn Captured!
- Iserlohn Fortress
- Ishiguro Noboru
- James Thorndike
- Jean Robert Lappe
- Jessica's Battle
- Jessica Edwards
- Joachim von Neue Stauffen
- Job Trunicht
- Jochen Remscheld
- Jochen von Remscheid
- Johann von Klopstock
- Jotunheim
- Juan Lebello
- Julian's Journey, Mankind's Journey
- Julian Mintz
- Julius
- Kapche-Lanka
- Karl Gustav Kempf
- Karl Robert Steinmetz
- Kasper
- Kasper Lintz
- Kastrop
- Kastrop Rebellion
- Katerose von Kreutzer
- Katou Naoyuki
- Keit
- Kielmansek
- Klammer
- Klaus von Lichtenlade
- Kläfe
- Kornelias I
- Kornelias II
- Krasen
- Krishna
- Ku-Horin
- Kvasir
- Königstiger
- Legend of Galactic Heroes Episode Guide
- Legend of Galactic Heroes Wiki
- Legend of the Galactic Heroes
- Legend of the Galactic Heroes: The New Thesis
- Legend of the Galactic Heroes (OVA)
- Legend of the Galactic Heroes (anime)
- Legend of the Galactic Heroes (manga)
- Legend of the Galactic Heroes (novel series)
- Legend of the Galactic Heroes (stage productions)
- Legnica
- Leonhard I
- Leonhard II
- Leonidas
- Leopold Laap
- Leopold Schumacher
- Liberation of the Frontier Zone
- Lin Pao
- Linier Blumart
- Live By The Sword...
- Long Live The Emperor!
- Long Live The Empress!
- Lost Things
- Lump
- Lübeck
- Magdalena von Westfalen
- Manfred I
- Manfred II
- Marquis Klopstock
- Mars
- Maurya
- Maximilian Josef I
- Maximilian Josef II
- Maximilian von Kastrop
- Murai
- My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars
- National Salvation Military Council
- Neidhardt Müller
- Neue Sanssouci
- Neuköln
- New Government In August
- New Trends
- Nikolas Boltik
- Northern Coalition
- Nuclear weapons
- Nürnberg
- Odin
- Odin Imperial Officer Academy
- Oigen von Kastrop
- Olivier Poplin
- One Thin Thread
- Operation Twilight Of The Gods: Ragnarok
- Orion Arm
- Oskar von Reuenthal
- Ostmark
- Otofried I
- Otofried II
- Otofried III
- Otofried IV
- Otofried V
- Otto Heinz I
- Otto Heinz II
- Otto von Braunschweig
- Overture to a New War
- Ovlesser
- Paeta
- Palamedes
- Pan Gu
- Past, Present And Future
- Pastoll
- Patoroklos
- Patriotic Knights Corps
- Paul von Oberstein
- Peace Party
- Percival
- Pergamon
- Perun
- Phezzan
- Phezzan Corridor
- Phezzan Occupied
- Planet Of Confusion
- Portraits
- Premonition Of The Storm
- Prologue: A Brief History of the Galaxy
- Quetzalcoatl
- Rahkan
- Ramusdorf
- Rantemario
- Raymond Togliatti
- Rebellion Is A Hero's Privilege
- Reinhard von Lohengramm
- Rentenberg Fortress
- Repatriation
- Richard I
- Richard II
- Richard III
- Richard von Goldenbaum IV
- Rio Grande
- Rolling Thunder