Legend of the Galactic Heroes ( 銀河英雄伝説, Ginga Eiyū Densetsu), sometimes abbreviated as LOTGH, LOGH or Gin'eiden (銀英伝) (and also depicted as Heldensagen vom Kosmosinsel in the anime intro), is a series of 10 science fiction novels (and an additional 5 short stories set in the same universe), written by Yoshiki Tanaka (田中芳樹), published in Japan by Tokyo Sogensha (東京創元社) between 1982 to 1989.
The first volume won the Seiun Award (星雲賞) for "Best Novel of the Year" in 1988.
On July 2, 2015, VIZ Media had announced that it had licensed the novels for release in North America under their Haikasoru imprint. The company had initially only licensed the first three novels, but later stated that it would license more if sales were good.
The first novel 'Dawn', was released on March 8, 2016. The company eventually licensed and released all the novels, and the final volume, 'Sunset', was released on November 19, 2019. The novels were translated by Daniel Huddleston, Tyran Grillo and Matt Treyvaud.
The first three novels were also released as audiobooks by Simon & Schuster Audio, all three were narrated by Tim Gerard Reynolds.
It’s the Galactic Empire versus the Free Planets Alliance in Japan’s greatest space opera epic!
In the thirty-sixth century, humanity has conquered the galaxy and colonized countless star systems. The Galactic Empire, modeled along Prussian lines, and the democratic Free Planets Alliance are at war, and the fate of every human being in the universe hangs in the balance. This classic Japanese space opera, adapted into a legendary anime, is finally available in English for the first time.
In the far future, two young military leaders rise above their peers. The invincible genius Reinhard von Lohengramm is matched only by the unbeatable magician Yang Wen-li; though the two share a profound respect for each other, they meet on the battlefield not as comrades but as bitter adversaries. Commanding thousands of warships and millions of soldiers, they lead giant space fleets into battle on behalf of the two interstellar states that have wrested for control of the Milky Way for over a century and a half.
The Galactic Empire, an absolute monarchy ruled by Kaiser Friedrich von Goldenbaum IV and an entrenched nobility, seeks to suppress the rebels daring to oppose the inviolable crown. The Free Planets Alliance, a representative democracy led by a corrupt High Council, degenerates as its elected leaders use war and conflict as a way to win popular support. Reinhard is a minor noble who became a High Admiral through his strategic brilliance and his sister's position as the favored concubine of the Kaiser, while Yang is an avid historian and reluctant commodore hailed as a hero despite only using his tactical prowess to navigate around his leaders' incompetence. On opposite sides of the galaxy, the two men have wildly different visions for the future: Reinhard dreams of uniting mankind under his iron fist, while Yang wants only to carve a path to lasting peace. As the war rages on, Reinhard and Yang each strive for their ideals and secure their place among the stars as the leaders of a new era of galactic heroes.
About the Author[]
Yoshiki Tanaka was born in 1952 in Kumamoto Prefecture and completed a doctorate in literature at Gakushuin University. Tanaka won the Gen’eijo (a mystery magazine) New Writer Award with his debut story “Midori no Sogen ni…” (On the green field…) in 1978, then started his carrier as a science fiction and fantasy writer. Legend of the Galactic Heroes, which translates the European wars of the nineteenth century to an interstellar setting, won the Seiun Award for best science fiction novel in 1987. Tanaka’s other works include the fantasy series The Heroic Legend of Arslan and many other science fiction, fantasy, historical, and mystery novels and stories.
Main Series[]
Japanese release
English release
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Vol. 01: Dawn
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 1 黎明篇)
November 30, 1982
ISBN 4-19-152624-3
March 8, 2016
ISBN 978-1-4215-8494-2
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 01 [PZG]
Prologue: An Outline of the History of the Galaxy (銀河系史概略)
Chapter 01: In Eternal Night (永遠の夜の中で)
Chapter 02: The Battle of Astarte (アスターテ会戦)
Chapter 03: The Empire's Fading Glow (帝国の残照)
Chapter 04: The Birth of the Thirteenth Fleet (第十三艦隊誕生)
Chapter 05: Attack on Iserlohn (イゼルローン攻略)
Chapter 06: To Every Man His Star (それぞれの星)
Chapter 07: A Farce Between the Acts (幕間狂言)
Chapter 08: Lines of Death (死線)
Chapter 09: Amritsar (アムリッツァ)
Chapter 10: A New Prologue (新たなる序章)
The “golden brat” Reinhard von Lohengramm, a military prodigy and admiral of the Galactic Empire, has ambitions beyond protecting the borders or even defeating the empire’s enemies. He seeks to overthrow the old order and become a truly absolute—yet benevolent—dictator. His rival, the humble Yang Wen-li of the Free Planets Alliance, wishes to preserve democracy even if he must sacrifice his political ideals to defeat the empire. Their political and military battles play out over a galactic chessboard in an epic saga fifteen centuries in the making!
Translator: Daniel Huddleston
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of Galactic Heroes, Vol. 02: Ambition
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 2 野望篇)
September 30, 1983
ISBN 4-19-152790-8
July 19, 2016
ISBN 978-1-4215-8495-9
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 02 [PZG]
Chapter 01: Before the Storm (嵐の前)
Chapter 02: Ignition Point (発火点)
Chapter 03: The Yang Fleet Mobilizes (ヤン艦隊出動)
Chapter 04: Bloodshed in Space (流血の宇宙)
Chapter 05: The Battle of the Doria Stellar Region (ドーリア星域の会戦)
Chapter 06: Valor and Fidelity (勇気と忠誠)
Chapter 07: A Victory For Whom? (誰がための勝利)
Chapter 08: The Golden Bough Falls (ゴールデンバウムは倒れた)
Chapter 09: Farewell, Distant Days (さらば、遠き日)
After a coup d'état erupts in the Free Planets Alliance, military strategist Yang Wen-li is ordered to use his tactical wizardry to put down the rebellion, but the ringleader holding the capital is someone he once trusted deeply. Meanwhile, in the Galactic Empire, Reinhard will soon face a new trial, as in the wake of the emperor's death he stands amidst an intensifying power struggle among the aristocracy. The unbeatable magician and the unstoppable genius: the battles these heroes wage will send shock waves across the galaxy!
Translator: Daniel Huddleston
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of Galactic Heroes, Vol. 03: Endurance
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 3 雌伏篇)
April 30, 1984
ISBN 4-19-152894-7
November 15, 2016
ISBN 978-1-4215-8496-6
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 03 [PZG]
Chapter 01: First Flight (初陣)
Chapter 02: The Fortress Takes Flight (はばたく禿鷹)
Chapter 03: One Slender Thread (細い一本の糸)
Chapter 04: Things Lost (失われたもの)
Chapter 05: Court of Inquiry (査問会)
Chapter 06: A Battle Without Weapons (武器なき戦い)
Chapter 07: Fortress Versus Fortress (要塞対要塞)
Chapter 08: Return (帰還)
Chapter 09: Resolve and Ambition (決意と野心と)
A grand scheme for retaking Iserlohn is delivered to Reinhard, who with renewed determination seeks to become ruler of the galaxy and to fulfill the oath he made with a dear, departed friend. But what are the aims of Phezzan, the third force at work behind the scenes? Meanwhile, no sooner is Yang breathing a sigh of relief when Julian returns from his first combat mission than he is summoned to an inquest and departs for the capital of the alliance. As if waiting for this opportunity to strike, however, the imperial military's secret weapon appears right at the gates of Iserlohn. The battle begins! Who will endure?
Translator: Daniel Huddleston
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of Galactic Heroes, Vol. 04: Stratagem
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 4 策謀篇)
October 31, 1984
ISBN 4-19-152978-1
June 20, 2017
ISBN 978-1-4215-8497-3
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 04 [PZG]
Chapter 01: Thunder (雷鳴)
Chapter 02: Labyrinth (迷路)
Chapter 03: The Arrow is Loosed (矢は放たれた)
Chapter 04: The Legitimate Galactic Imperial Government (銀河帝国正統政府)
Chapter 05: A Departure (ひとつの出発)
Chapter 06: Operation Ragnarök (作戦名「神々の黄昏」)
Chapter 07: Military Attaché: Ensign Mintz (駐在武官ミンツ少尉)
Chapter 08: Invitation to a Requiem (鎮魂曲への招待)
Chapter 09: Phezzan Occupied (フェザーン占領)
Remnants of the high nobility, manipulated by the “third power” of Phezzan, abduct the seven-year-old emperor and, with the cooperation of the Free Planets Alliance, declare the establishment of a traditional imperial government. Reinhard, however, has turned the tables by making a secret pact with Phezzan’s high officials and plans a grand invasion of the alliance by way of the Phezzan Corridor. So begins an epic battle between Yang—who, despite surmising Reinhard’s true intentions, must defend Iserlohn—and the Imperial Navy’s peerless fighter, von Reuentahl.
Translator: Tyran Grillo
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of Galactic Heroes, Vol. 05: Mobilization
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 5 風雲篇)
April 30, 1985
ISBN 4-19-153068-2
November 21, 2017
ISBN 978-1-4215-8498-
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 05 [PZG]
Chapter 01: A Cold Spell Arrives (寒波到る)
Chapter 02: Admiral Yang’s Ark Fleet (ヤン提督の箱舟隊)
Chapter 03: In Search of a Free Universe (自由の宇宙を求めて)
Chapter 04: A Two-headed Snake (双頭の蛇)
Chapter 05: Darkness Before Dawn (暁闇)
Chapter 06: One Battle After Another (連戦)
Chapter 07: Vermillion (バーミリオン)
Chapter 08: Mortal Combat (死闘)
Chapter 09: Precipitation (急転)
Chapter 10: “Long Live the Emperor!” (「皇帝万歳!」)
Imperial forces have captured the Phezzan Dominion and draw ever closer to the Free Planets Alliance capital of Heinessen. Yang hurriedly abandons Iserlohn Fortress and heads for the capital to protect countless civilians. Taking out Reinhard is the alliance’s only path to victory. Despite the empire’s superior numbers, Yang continues to outwit its most resourceful generals via tactical wizardry. Reinhard, on the other hand, seeing through Yang’s devices, opts for all-out war. And so, the “invincible” and “undefeated” once again clash swords. Who will emerge victorious?
Translator: Tyran Grillo
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of Galactic Heroes, Vol. 06: Flight
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 6 飛翔篇)
October 31, 1985
ISBN 4-19-153151-4
April 17, 2018
ISBN 978-1-4215-8499-7
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 06 [PZG]
Prologue: A Chronicle of Earth’s Downfall
Chapter 01: The Kümmel Incident (キュンメル事件)
Chapter 02: Portrait of a Certain Pensioner (ある年金生活者の肖像)
Chapter 03: The Visitors (訪問者)
Chapter 04: Past, Present, and Future (過去、現在、未来)
Chapter 05: Chaos, Disorder, and Confusion (混乱、錯乱、惑乱)
Chapter 06: The Holy Land (聖地)
Chapter 07: Combat Play (コンバット・プレイ)
Chapter 08: Holiday’s (Unexpected) End (休暇は終りぬ)
After donning the emperor’s crown, Reinhard becomes the target of an assassination plot. Knowing that the Church of Terra is behind it, he deploys his troops to the church’s holy land: Earth. Meanwhile, Yang’s leisurely retirement is tempered by the surveillance networks watching his every move from both sides. And when he is one day visited by a group of men dressed in black, the galaxy, too, relinquishes peace to become embroiled in upheaval once again. Welcome to the turning point in the war for the fate of the galaxy!
Translator: Tyran Grillo
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of Galactic Heroes, Vol. 07: Tempest
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 7 怒濤篇)
May 31, 1986
ISBN 4-19-153256-1
August 21, 2018
ISBN 978-1-4215-8529-1
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 07 [PZG]
Chapter 01: Under the Goldenlöwe (黄金獅子旗の下に)
Chapter 02: Defying Every Flag (すべての旗に背いて)
Chapter 03: Again, Ragnarok (「神々の黄昏」ふたたび)
Chapter 04: Release, Revolution, Conspiracy, et cetera (解放・革命・謀略その他)
Chapter 05: The Prodigals Return (蕩児たちの帰宅)
Chapter 06: The Battle of Mar Adetta (マル・アデッタ星域の会戦)
Chapter 07: The Winter Rose Garden Edict (冬バラ園の勅令)
Chapter 08: The Long Road Forward (前途遼遠)
Chapter 09: On the Eve of the Festival (祭りの前)
Reinhard, under his Golden Lion banner, is setting out to bend history and the universe to his will. Meanwhile, with no flag of their own to raise, Yang and his compatriots have escaped the murderous hands of the Free Planets Alliance's government and dubbed themselves the “Irregulars.” Yang receives word that an Imperial fleet is closing in on the capital of Heinessen, and in a daring move, recaptures Iserlohn Fortress. In the meantime, Reinhard’s invasion of the Free Planets Alliance proceeds steadily apace. Standing in the path of the Imperial fleet is a fleet of FPA Navy vessels commanded by the elderly Admiral Bucock. An old lion roars out a life-or-death challenge, and a young lion answers it—the final battle of the Free Planets Alliance now begins!
Translator: Daniel Huddleston
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of Galactic Heroes, Vol. 08: Desolation
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 8 乱離篇)
January 31, 1987
ISBN 4-19-153384-3
December 18, 2018
ISBN 978-1-4215-8501-7
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 08 [PZG]
Chapter 01: Wind in the Corridor (風は回廊へ)
Chapter 02: The Spring Storm (春の嵐)
Chapter 03: The Invincible and the Undefeated (常勝と不敗と)
Chapter 04: Kaleidoscope (万華鏡)
Chapter 05: The Magician Vanishes (魔術師、還らず)
Chapter 06: After the Festival (祭りの後)
Chapter 07: Hollow Victory (失意の凱旋)
Chapter 08: Moving the Capital (遷都令)
Chapter 09: New Government in August (八月の新政府)
After utterly defeating the Free Planets Alliance, Kaiser Reinhard has brought 99 percent of inhabited space under his control. Still, dissatisfaction and unease coil within his breast, for the galaxy's last remaining sliver of free territory is defended by none other than Yang Wen-li. Seeking decisive battle, the Imperial Navy moves to attack Iserlohn Fortress, but due to Yang's unexpected plan, the battle has already begun before Reinhard arrives. The Yang Fleet must overcome an enormous difference in force strength—while at the same time, a trap laid by the Church of Terra is closing in around Yang…
Translator: Matt Treyvaud
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Vol. 09: Upheaval
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 9 回天篇)
May 31, 1987
ISBN 4-19-153445-9
July 16, 2019
ISBN 978-1-4215-8502-4
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 09 [PZG]
Chapter 01: On the Frontier (辺境にて)
Chapter 02: The Last Roses of Summer (夏の終わりのバラ)
Chapter 03: Rumbling (鳴動)
Chapter 04: Burgeoning (発芽)
Chapter 05: The Urvashi Incident (ウルヴァシー事件)
Chapter 06: Rebellion is a Hero’s Privilege (叛逆は英雄の特権)
Chapter 07: Live By the Sword… (剣に生き……)
Chapter 08: Die By the Sword (剣に斃れ)
Chapter 09: Requiem Aeternam (終わりなき鎮魂曲)
The irregulars of the Iserlohn Republic, still loyal to the ideals of their former leader Yang Wen-li, rally around Yang’s successor Julian as he strives to live up to his inherited responsibilities. Meanwhile, in the empire, Kaiser Reinhard survives an attempt on his life only to be confronted with the devastating sins of his past when he learns the true identity of his would-be assassin. Despite rumors of treason on the part of Neue Land governor-general Oskar von Reuentahl, the kaiser pays a personal visit to that territory, where an even greater shock lies in store.
Translator: Matt Treyvaud
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Vol. 10: Sunset
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 10 落日篇)
November 15, 1987
ISBN 4-19-153530-7
November 19, 2019
ISBN 978-1-4215-8504-8
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Vol. 10 [PZG]
Chapter 01: Birth of the Kaiserin (皇妃誕生)
Chapter 02: Invitation to a Riot (動乱への誘い)
Chapter 03: Cosmic Mosaic (コズミック・モザイク)
Chapter 04: Toward Peace, Through Bloodshed (平和へ、流血経由)
Chapter 05: Planet of Confusion (昏迷の惑星)
Chapter 06: The Stechpalme Schloß Inferno (柊館炎上)
Chapter 07: Crimson Star-Road (深紅の星路)
Chapter 08: Brünhild Thirsts for Blood (美姫は血を欲す)
Chapter 09: The Goldenlöwe Dimmed (黄金獅子旗に光なし)
Chapter 10: An End to Dreaming (夢、見果てたり)
Having taken his devoted confidant Hildegard von Lohengramm as his empress, Kaiser Reinhard awaits the birth of his heir. Much remains to trouble him, from the ongoing campaign of terror by Church of Terra diehards to the machinations of an erstwhile landesherr, and there are ominous signs that his own condition may be graver than anyone suspects. Nevertheless, it seems that peace has finally come to the New Galactic Empire. Meanwhile, in the Iserlohn Republic, Julian Mintz, successor to Yang the Magician, resolves to begin the first and final battle fought on the republic’s terms—the world-shaking conclusion to the Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Translator: Matt Treyvaud
Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
Japanese release
English release
Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden Volume 1: The Star Crusher
Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden Volume 2: Julian's Iserlohn Diary
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 外伝2 ユリアンのイゼルローン日記)
March 31, 1987
ISBN 4-19-153418-1
Events in the Even Number Year (偶数年のできごと)
The First Salary (はじめての給料)
All Sets (全員集合)
Proposal from the Empire (帝国の提案)
Old Resident vs. New Resident (旧住民 vs 新住民)
Prisoner-of-war Exchange Ceremony (捕虜交換式)
The Dalton Incident (ドールトン事件)
Secret Session on the Bench (ベンチの秘密会議)
Night Before Launch (出撃前夜)
Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden Volume 3: One Hundred Billion Stars, One Hundred Billion Lights
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 外伝3 千億の星、千億の光)
March 31, 1988
ISBN 4-19-153634-6
The Battle of Van-Fleet Starzone (ヴァンフリート星域の会戦)
Drei Rot (三つの赤)
Bloodshed in April (染血の四月)
Chronicle of the Aftermath of the Chaotic War (混戦始末記)
The Hard Wind of Early Summer (初夏、風強し)
Candidate for Succeeding a Count's Family (伯爵家後継候補)
Truth Is the Daughter of Time (真実は時の娘)
A Hundred Billion Stars, One Ambition (千億の星、ひとつの野心)
Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden Volume 4: Spiral Labyrinth
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説 外伝4 螺旋迷宮)
July 31, 1989
ISBN 4-19-153995-7
The Hero's New Assignment (英雄のあたらしい仕事)
A Short Trip to the Past (過去へのささやかな旅)
Chronicle of the Second Battle of Tiamat (第二次ティアマト会戦記)
Between the Mourning Dress and Military Uniform (喪服と軍服の間)
The Prison Planet (収容所惑星)
Prisoners and Hostages (捕虜と人質)
A Rebellion of Microscopic Size (顕微鏡サイズの反乱)
A Thread from the Past (過去からの糸)
The Journey in Search of the Exit (出口をさがす旅)
Legend of Galactic Heroes Gaiden Volume 5: Golden Wings
(Japanese: 銀河英雄伝説外伝5 黄金の翼)
June 25, 2009
ISBN 978-4-488-72515-0
「 Dagon Star Area Warring 」
「 White Silver Valley 」
「 Golden wings 」
「 Morning dream, Night song 」
「 stigma 」
『 Galactic Hero Legend 』 Tsukirata Yoshiki Tanaka Long Interview
In some print orders, it is not considered a part of the Gaiden series.
A collection of short stories and an interview with the author.
Individual stories were published as standalones before 1986 and later compiled in 2009 into this one volume.
Reception and Legacy[]
The series received several reviews in English media, years or even decades before its official release.
The English debut of the novel series in 2016 was described as long-awaited and overdue. Publishers Weekly criticized the Daniel Huddleston's translation of the first novel, Dawn, stating it was "a slog". The novel as-a-whole was criticized for the "shallow" female characters. Also that year, reviewing the same book for the Forbes portal, Ollie Barder was much more positive, noting that the series is "an epic space opera that needs to be read" and "a fascinating novel and essential reading for anyone that enjoys immaculately complex fiction". Rachel S. Cordasco, reviewing the novel series in Locus Magazine in 2020, praised the work as "a remarkable series... a multi-layered, multi-textual work [that] tells different stories on multiple levels", also observing that it is not just a space opera, but also, an "in-depth historiography" of the future military conflict, comparing it to the 18th-century historical work The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
In 2017, the 1988–1997 anime's official English release received a number of reviews in the English media. Anne Laurenroth of the Anime News Network gave a positive review, stating that despite its length, it has, arranged well in advance, "one of the most satisfying anime endings ever written". Daryl Surat, writing for Otaku Magazine, called the series "anime's greatest sci-fi epic".
Takumi Sato noted that the character of Reinhard von Lohengramm as depicted in the anime could be related to the "aestheticization of Hitler's image", comparing this phenomenon to similar Japanese works, such as Space Battleship Yamato.
The series has been described as "highly influential" in the development of Chinese online literature.
The historiographical aspects of the show have been analyzed by a Polish scholar, Arkadiusz Bożejewicz.